Why hire a lawyer for a moving violation? Here’s why.
Attack That Ticket’s Tale of 2 Motorists
2 six point speeding tickets were written to 2 different motorists, Bob and Mary, in New York City on January 1, 2009. Both are accused of doing 22 miles per hour over the speed limit, and both have clean driving records. Bob mailed his ticket in with a “guilty” plea and payment of $195.00 on January 15, 2009. Mary retained Attack That Ticketto represent her and on January 15, 2009 Attack That Ticket entered a plea of “not guilty.” Bob is now carrying 6 points his driver’s license from January 15, 2009 until June 1, 2010. Bob is also sent an additional fine directly from the DMV for the 6 point accrual for $300.00, making the total fines paid $495.00. Mary has no points presently on her license and has paid no court or DMV fines.
Unfortunately for both Bob and Mary in March they were the innocent victims of a fender bender, having been struck in the rear while stopped at a stop sign. The accident was reported to Bob’s insurance company, and at that time they found out about the 6 point conviction. Bob receives an increase of auto insurance. Mary has a clean driving record at the time of the accident and has no increase in insurance.
In April Mary receives her first trial notice for May. Mary is already 5 months post ticket date still with no points on her license. On the trial date in May Attack That Ticket had Mary’s trial adjourned to September. In June both Bob and Mary are given another 6 point speeding ticket in Westchester County. Things go a lot quicker in Westchester, and both motorists are scheduled for trial in August. Both retain Attack That Ticket. Because Mary still has a clean driving record attorneys at Attack That Ticket are able to negotiate a plea to a no point parking ticket and she is fined $100.00. Because Bob has a recent 6 point speeding conviction the best plea bargain the court will approve is a plea to a 2 point moving violation. Knowing that if Bob was found guilty as charged he the total point accrual would cause a mandatory license suspension the plea offer was accepted. Bob pays total court fines of $235.00 and because of the 8 points accrued, the DMV fines Bob an additional $150.00 above and beyond the fines, surcharges, and previous DMV fine already paid. This brings Bob’s total fines for both tickets to $880.00.
In September Attack That Ticket’s attorney appears for Mary’s NYC speeding ticket. Again there are too many trials scheduled and her ticket is adjourned a second time to January 21, 2010. On that date the ticket is on the top of the trial list and the court will not grant another adjournment. Mary’s case goes to trial, and while she was not found guilty “as charged,” she was found guilty speeding less than 21 MPH over the speed limit. The lower speeding conviction is only a 4 point accrual instead of a 6 point accrual. Mary has to pay the same $195.00 fine as Bob did, but because she did not accrue 6 points there are no additional DMV fines, saving her $300.00. Mary has paid total fines for both tickets of $295.00 and incurred no insurance increase. Mary saved $585.00 in fines alone from what Bob paid.
Mary’s 4 points will drop off her driving record a little over 5 months later on June 1, 2010 and she will again have a clean record for DMV purposes. Bob’s 6 points will drop off of on the same date. Because of Bob’s 2 point conviction in August, 2009 he will be carrying those points until February, 2011.
Before you mail in that traffic ticket pleading guilty as charged, give the attorneys at Attack That Ticket a call. The call is toll free, and we’ll give you a free phone consultation and analyze with you whether it would be more cost effective to use our service rather than just sending the ticket in with a guilty plea.
This scenario, while typical, is purely fictional and merely laid out to illustrate the difference between an immediate guilty plea and retaining Attack That Ticket to defend you. Further, past results do not guarantee similar future outcomes.